How are assets being tracked on public ledgers and what are some use cases for 3d ai customers and developers?

Assets being tracked on public ledgers refer to any digital assets that are recorded on a public blockchain network, and can be tracked and verified using the network’s consensus mechanism. These assets can include things like digital currency, digital collectibles, virtual real estate, and in the case of 3D AI characters, the characters themselves and their associated data.

For 3D AI customers, tracking assets on a public ledger allows them to verify the authenticity and ownership of their characters, and to transfer ownership or use rights of the characters to other users or developers. This can be useful for creating a marketplace for 3D AI characters, where customers can buy, sell, or trade them. Additionally, tracking the characters on a public ledger ensures that the characters are unique, and cannot be replicated or copied.

For 3D AI developers, tracking assets on a public ledger allows them to manage and monetize the use of their characters, and to ensure that they are compensated for the use of their characters in various applications. Additionally, tracking the characters on a public ledger ensures that the characters are unique, and cannot be replicated or copied. this way they can have a better control of their intellectual property.

In short, tracking assets on public ledgers allows for the creation of a marketplace for 3D AI characters, where customers can buy, sell, or trade them. It also allows for the management and monetization of the use of the characters by the developers and it ensures the uniqueness of the characters and the better control of the intellectual property.

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