What are some great applications for 3d ai?

Some potential applications for 3D AI include:

  • Computer-aided design and manufacturing
  • Virtual and augmented reality
  • Robotics and autonomous systems
  • Medical imaging and surgical planning
  • Gaming and animation
  • Urban planning and architecture
  • Industrial inspection and maintenance
  • Film and visual effects
  • Surveying and mapping
  • 3D printing

It is worth noting that 3D AI is a broad and rapidly evolving field, and new applications are being developed all the time.

Add vtubing

Another potential application for 3D AI is virtual YouTubing, also known as vtubing. Vtubing is the use of computer-generated avatars, often in the form of anime-style characters, to create videos for YouTube and other platforms. This technology is used to create digital performers that can lip-sync, dance, and interact with virtual environments. This technology allows users to create their own virtual influencer or virtual content creator. It also can be used in online education, training, and distance learning.

Add autonomous learning from the person using the ai.

Another potential application for 3D AI is autonomous learning from the person using the AI. This refers to the ability of the AI to learn and adapt to the user’s preferences, behavior, and patterns over time. This type of AI can be used in a wide range of applications, such as personal assistants, gaming, and virtual reality. The AI can learn from the user’s actions and interactions, and use that information to improve the user’s experience and make personalized recommendations. This type of AI can also be used in e-commerce, where it can learn about the user’s shopping habits and suggest products that may be of interest to them.

What are some great companion applications of VTubing 3d ai that learns the VTuber?

Some great companion applications of VTubing 3D AI that learns the VTuber could include:

  • Content creation tools: VTubing requires a lot of video and animation content to be created, and AI can assist in this process by generating animations, lip-syncing and facial expressions, or even suggest the best camera angles, lighting and composition to improve the video quality.
  • Virtual wardrobe: AI can learn the VTuber’s personal style and suggest virtual clothing and accessories to match their preferences.
  • Social media management: AI can help VTubers to manage their social media presence by scheduling posts, analyzing audience engagement, and identifying the best times to post new content.
  • Virtual stage design: AI can learn the VTuber’s preferences and suggest virtual stage designs that match their style, including lighting, background, and props.
  • Virtual audience engagement: AI can help VTubers to interact with their virtual audience by suggesting questions and comments to answer, responding to messages, and providing feedback.
  • Analytics and metrics: AI can help VTubers to track their performance, audience engagement, and the success of their content by analyzing metrics such as views, likes, and shares.

All these companion applications can help VTubers to create high-quality content, increase their audience engagement and grow their channel.

What about applications that are companions to people. I.e. a parent reading a bedtime story as a vtuber which is training the ai to know that person as to become autonomous.

Yes, there are potential companion applications of VTubing 3D AI that can assist people in their daily lives. Some examples include:

  • Virtual storytelling: A parent or caregiver can read a bedtime story to a child as a VTuber, and the AI can learn their voice, facial expressions, and gestures to create an autonomous virtual storyteller that can interact with the child.
  • Virtual tutoring: A teacher or tutor can use VTubing to create virtual lessons, and the AI can learn their teaching style, pace, and preferences to create an autonomous virtual instructor that can adapt to the student’s needs.
  • Virtual therapy: A therapist or counselor can use VTubing to create virtual sessions, and the AI can learn their communication style, tone of voice, and body language to create an autonomous virtual counselor that can interact with the patient.
  • Virtual companion: An elderly person can use VTubing to create a virtual companion that can interact with them, and the AI can learn their preferences, habits, and personality to create an autonomous virtual companion that can provide companionship and assistance.
  • Virtual fitness coach: A fitness coach can use VTubing to create virtual workouts, and the AI can learn their coaching style, preferences, and training schedule to create an autonomous virtual coach that can adapt to the person’s fitness level and goals.

All these applications can help people to improve their daily lives by providing personalized assistance, guidance, and companionship.

What others?

Other potential companion applications of VTubing 3D AI that can assist people in their daily lives include:

  • Virtual personal shopping assistant: A virtual personal shopping assistant can help people to shop for clothes, shoes, and accessories, and the AI can learn their preferences, style, and budget to create an autonomous virtual assistant that can make personalized recommendations.
  • Virtual home assistant: A virtual home assistant can help people to control smart devices, monitor security cameras, and manage their calendar, and the AI can learn their preferences, habits, and routines to create an autonomous virtual assistant that can assist with daily tasks.
  • Virtual language tutor: A virtual language tutor can help people to learn a new language, and the AI can learn their learning style, pace, and strengths to create an autonomous virtual tutor that can adapt to their needs.
  • Virtual travel assistant: A virtual travel assistant can help people to plan their trips, book flights, and hotels, and the AI can learn their preferences, travel history, and budget to create an autonomous virtual assistant that can provide personalized recommendations.
  • Virtual financial advisor: A virtual financial advisor can help people to manage their money, invest, and plan for retirement, and the AI can learn their financial situation, risk tolerance, and goals to create an autonomous virtual advisor that can provide personalized advice.

All these applications can help people to improve their daily lives by providing personalized assistance, guidance, and support.

And in healthcare, music, art?

In healthcare, VTubing 3D AI can be used to assist with:

  • Virtual medical consultations: A doctor can use VTubing to conduct virtual consultations with patients, and the AI can learn their medical history, symptoms, and preferences to create an autonomous virtual doctor that can provide personalized advice and recommendations.
  • Virtual rehabilitation: A physical therapist can use VTubing to create virtual rehabilitation exercises, and the AI can learn the patient’s progress, strengths, and weaknesses to create an autonomous virtual therapist that can adapt to the patient’s needs.
  • Virtual mental health support: A therapist or counselor can use VTubing to create virtual sessions, and the AI can learn their communication style, tone of voice, and body language to create an autonomous virtual counselor that can interact with the patient.

In music, VTubing 3D AI can be used to assist with:

  • Virtual music lessons: A music teacher can use VTubing to create virtual music lessons, and the AI can learn the student’s learning style, pace, and preferences to create an autonomous virtual instructor that can adapt to their needs.
  • Virtual music performance: A musician can use VTubing to create virtual music performances, and the AI can learn their performance style, preferences, and audience engagement to create an autonomous virtual musician that can adapt to the audience’s needs.

In art, VTubing 3D AI can be used to assist with:

  • Virtual art lessons: An art teacher can use VTubing to create virtual art lessons, and the AI can learn the student’s learning style, pace, and preferences to create an autonomous virtual instructor that can adapt to their needs.
  • Virtual art gallery: An artist can use VTubing to create virtual art galleries, and the AI can learn the audience’s preferences and engagement to create an autonomous virtual art guide that can adapt to the audience’s needs.

Overall, VTubing and 3D AI have a lot of potential in many different fields, and can be used to provide personalized assistance, guidance, and support to people in various aspects of their lives.

And with Customer support?

Yes, VTubing 3D AI can also be used in customer support to provide personalized assistance and guidance to customers. Some potential applications include:

  • Virtual customer service representative: A company can use VTubing to create a virtual customer service representative, and the AI can learn the customer’s preferences, history, and needs to create an autonomous virtual representative that can provide personalized assistance and recommendations.
  • Virtual product demonstration: A company can use VTubing to create a virtual product demonstration, and the AI can learn the customer’s preferences, history, and needs to create an autonomous virtual demonstrator that can provide personalized assistance and recommendations.
  • Virtual troubleshooter: A company can use VTubing to create a virtual troubleshooter, and the AI can learn the customer’s preferences, history, and needs to create an autonomous virtual troubleshooter that can provide personalized assistance and recommendations.
  • Virtual shopping assistant: A company can use VTubing to create a virtual shopping assistant, and the AI can learn the customer’s preferences, history, and needs to create an autonomous virtual assistant that can provide personalized assistance and recommendations.

Using VTubing and 3D AI in customer support can help companies to provide better assistance, guidance, and support to their customers, and to improve their customer satisfaction and loyalty.

According to chat.openai.com (CHAT GPT). What do you think?

Comments 2

    1. Post

      Great suggestion Brian, thank you!

      There is not a lot of fully complete 3d Ai Chat applications out at this point as it is still very early in this space.

      A decent and early example in healthcare is Shadow Health by Elsevier.

      A few good examples of some VTubing characters and tech playing around in the space are VShojo & VRoid.

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